Welcome every inquiring people!

   The application was written in Java programming language. Why? Because this way it is able to run it on such operation system on that Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is installed. I have tested it on Windows XP and Suse Linux.
   For running, we need Java Runtime Environment (http://www.java.com/en/download/manual.jsp). If your web browser can show Java applets (e.g., chat sites) then this application has to run on your system. If does not then at the end of this file you can find some help.

   Jázmin disk registry application can store disk data. It is developed for DVD movies, but if you leave blank some fields, you can store e.g., game data (you create a disk type Game DVD and into synopsis field you write the names of the games).
   For a disk you can add its type, disk count, genre, date of making, sound languages and formats, subtitles, directors, etc. This list of disks you can print off, convert to HTML or XML format, save, filter by different conditions and you can append to it an other list.

   If you have whatever reflections or something does not work than you would like, or you want to help me in development by donation then write me to this e-mail address: kissfeco@citromail.hu
   Web site: http://kissprogi.atw.hu

Frequently asked questions:

   1. How to start this application? From version 1.5 on Windows launch file "launch_on_windows.bat" because of huge memory space usage by pictures. Recommended memory space of JRE is low for that. In case of error message shown (or the place of picture is blank) then in the file .bat write for example -Xmx200m instead of -Xmx150m value.
    Installed and fine worked JRE is necessary.

   2. How to start under Linux?
    I could do it in Terminal window only. If the newest JRE is installed then it is enough to navigate into that directory where DiskRegistry.jar file is. Type the following command and press Enter: java -Xmx150m -jar DiskRegistry.jar
    If an older JRE is installed then JRE will throw an exception and won't start Disk Registry. In this case you have to download and install a newer version of JRE. If after this JRE throws an exception again then probably the older version starts. You have to search that directory where the java file is. In my system that is /usr/java/jre1.6.0_01/bin. Now navigate into that dir where DiskRegistry.jar is and type the following command (it is not sure your newer java file is in the same directory like for me): /usr/java/jre1.6.0_01/bin/java -Xmx150m -jar Lemeznyilvantarto.jar
    Memory problem can appear in this case too. Write higher value instead of -Xmx150m (for example -Xmx200m).

   3. After restarting the application, why do my settings loose?
    Probably you didn't grant write permission on beallitasok.bea and elemek.bef files. I had got this problem in linux.